Telelink Drives Major Tech Summit in Sofia

Sofia Tech Park hosted the first of its kind Digital Unconference on 26th October 2017 which got together over 1000 attendees from Bulgaria and the region. The event teamed up high tech companies, government officials, opinion leaders and entrepreneurs round topics on Europe’s digital future.


Among the official guests were Maria Gabriel – European Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, Liliana Pavlova – Minister for the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU 2018, Rosen Plevneliev – President of Republic of Bulgaria (Jan 2012 – Jan 2017), and Rosen Zhelyazkov – Head of Bulgarian Electronic Management Agency.


E-Government, digital media, digital citisenship, e-finance, e-skills, e-health were some of the topics of the unconference sessions, where audience’s active participation was being encouraged. Resumes from the debates were summarized and provided to Mrs. Gabriel, to help optimize the policies of the European digital society.


„Technologies will be a crucial intrument for the development and integrity of digital Europe. There are so many opportunities already open by IT, but today I hope we will define our strategic digital framework for the future of Bulgaria and Europe by 2030. By providing technologies to society, we strive to inspire, reveal opportunities, and unleash the potential, as technologies enable the creation of new products and services with no boundaries, benefits to be available to everyone worldwide“, said Lyubomir Minchev – Telelink founder and CEO.


The Digital UnConference Sofia 1.0 is organized by Digital National Alliance in partnership with Mastercard, Telelink, Cisco, Microsoft, DellЕМC, Google, Vivacom, IBM, GSMA, ETNO, Novartis and ‘Solutions for the Future’ Foundation.