800 participants and 50 companies at first Western Balkans Digital Summit

At the very first Western Balkans Digital Summit held in the capital of Macedonia, Skopje, on 18-19 April, Telelink had notable presence and was involved in the discussion regarding the digital transformation of the public and the private sectors.

The event brought together more than 800 participants, 50 companies and more than 50 speakers coming from all around the world. The list of participants in the official agenda was impressive, including the Prime Ministers or Vice Prime Ministers of the Western Balkans (WB) countries (Macedonia, Serbia, Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo and Bosnia and Hercegovina) together with the respective Ministers responsible for digital agenda of these countries, EU Berlin Process participants, representatives of European Commission (EC), Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), IT industry and other business representatives, academia, and youth.

During the lively and engaging discussions about the opportunities coming with the digital transformation, Telelink emphasized its commitment to helping organizations transform their business by adopting digital technology. Special attention was drawn to Cyber Security, Data Protection & Privacy with the promise of assisting all customers during their journey to compliance in light of the upcoming GDPR regulation.

Digital Revolution will remove geographic borders. It affects all our citizens – young and old, making our economy and the region globally competitive. New technologies will create jobs, economic prosperity and growth, with new skills, creative and fresh ideas. If we want to create future for us and our children we cannot miss out on digital integration. It can be best achieved through regional cooperation, an irreplaceable tool for joint progress.” said on the opening ceremony the Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev.

At Digital EXPO, a parallel event taking place at the time of the Western Balkans Digital Summit #DSWB6, Telelink had outstanding presence with a booth that was visited by 350+ visitors. There we had the opportunity to demonstrate our expertise and solutions. We managed to gain new partnerships with local companies and create basis for future collaboration.

Digital EXPO was an integral and important part of the Summit, gathering together companies from around the Western Balkans Region coming from the digital industry, giving them the ground to showcase the benefits of their innovative products and services to the public, and giving them the opportunity to match with potential partners from government and business sectors.

Telelink’s participation at Western Balkans Digital Summit 2018 is another important milestone for the company, reaffirming its strategic and visionary development not only in the region but worldwide.